Louisiana League of Conscious Voters
Elected officials
Please, stop poisoning Grandma and the Baby

The Louisiana League of Concious Voters is a successor organization to thousands of voting rights efforts. African-Americans have worked both alone and in coalition to increase voter participation since the early 19th century. The passage of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States did not guarantee the right to vote to African-Americans. The retreat of voting rights to African-Americans in 1877 was brutally enforced at the end of the nineteenth century and not returned until nearly sixty years later. Now, the 1965 Voting Rights Act is being destroyed. Thirty-four states passed laws to suppress participation of black and Latino voters thus allowing Donald Trump to win the presidency.
The U.S Courts are supporting these changes. But here and around the country we are fighting back and winning.
Climate change is the number one challenge to earth's existence. Without curbing the burning of fossil fuels, scientists say in 11 years we can forget about living on earth. We can stop global warming and climate change by voting for officials that will protect "Grandma and the baby." The destruction of grandma's environment, is the destruction of the earth. African-Americans and our allies must increase our numbers through the efficient use of media and organizing. This is the work of the Louisiana League of Smart Voters. WE can do this. The victories in the mid-term House of Representatives is an example of what can happen.
Smart elegant and stylish More (Definitions, Synonyms, Translation)We are the Louisiana League of Smart Voters. We want to spread our message of hope and compassion across the state, starting within our own community. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.
Furthering our cause is the most important goal of our organization. We seek to support, empower, and provide high quality resources to our community in a safe and secure environment. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profit margin, but by the value we provide to those we serve.